Useful Policies & Documents

We hope you find the following documents of use:

Accessibility Plan 2021

Anaphylaxis & Epipen Policy 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy 2023

Assessment Policy 2024

Asthma Policy 2023

Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy 2023


Catch up premium funding document 2019-2020

Charging and Remissions Policy 2024

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024

Collective Worship Policy 2023

Complaints Policy 2024

Data Protection Policy 2024

Data Retention Policy 2024

Data Subject Access Request Procedure 2024

Drugs and Drug Education Policy 2023

Educational Visits Policy July 2021

E Safety Policy 2022

Epilepsy Policy 2021

Equality Policy 2023

Examinations Policy November 2022

Health & Safety Policy July 2021

Home School Agreement

Homework 2024

Physical Activity Policy July 2021

Positive Handling Policy 2023

Provider Access Policy Jan 2023

Pupil Premium Strategy from Jan 2022

Responsible Use of the Internet

RSE Policy 2021

Self Harm Policy 2023

SEND Policy 2021

Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2024-25

Student Contract

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions and Medication In School Policy 2021

Swakeleys Staff Code of Conduct 2021

Uniform Policy 2022

Whistleblowing Policy 2020

Any medication that is brought into school must be handed in in original packaging with full written instructions and consent. Please download our form which can be printed off to accompany medication and ensure the correct consents are given. This should be handed in to the medical room with all medication.
Medication Form is a useful site which gives helpful information to parents about online safety and habits for children and young people