Curriculum Intent

Every girl is expected to work to the best of her ability, and is offered a broad and balanced school curriculum which will form the basis for later choices. We operate a 2 year Key Stage 3, which provides girls with 3 years working towards their GCSE qualifications. Click on each key stage to find out more or contact Mrs Devereux, Deputy Headteacher in charge of Achievement and Curriculum who will be happy to help.

An overview of our whole school curriculum intent can be viewed by clicking the image below:To view details of subject intent at each key stage, scroll down and take a look. You can also view the details of our PSHCE programme by clicking this link: PSHCE 2023-2024
Click here to view our pastoral intent for each year group.
Key Stage 3 Subject Curriculum Intent

In Key Stage 3, all girls study English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Information Technology, Geography, History, Art, Music, Modern Languages, Physical Education, Drama, Dance and Religious Education. Pupils also follow a Personal, Social and Health Education programme which incorporates Citizenship, alongside a range of Careers opportunities throughout the key stage and can be viewed here. All pupil progress is tracked against three progress areas using our ‘Assessment Without Levels’ stages of learning criteria. Click this link to see what assessment in our Year 8 end exams looks like:

Why not take a look at our Key Stage 3 Curriculum Intent guide below:

Year 8 GCSE Options information

We offer two subject preferences to all pupils via two pathway routes:
Pathway one – Humanities: geography or history and no longer continue with a language
Pathway two – Languages: pupils continue with the language they are currently learning. They can also opt for geography or history as one their two choices to achieve the Ebacc qualification.

Both pathways allow all pupils to select two other subjects preferences from the range of courses offered. Pupils will receive a hard copy of the Options Book, which contains more detailed information about all of the option subjects available and the options process. For more information, click this link.

Key Stage 4 Subject Curriculum Intent

We offer a wide choice of subjects in Key Stage and these include both GCSE and BTEC courses.

Take a look at our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Intent guide below:

The exam boards we follow at GCSE can be viewed here:

Key Stage 5