Extra Curricular Activities and Opportunities

In order for students to enjoy their time in 6th Form and feel a part of our community we expect everyone to play a role in the life of the wider school.  This could be through attending a lunchtime club, volunteering at a school event or planning and running your own project for example.  There are a huge number of opportunities for Sixth Form students to choose from.  In the past year these have included:

  • Literacy and Numeracy mentoring
  • First Aid Club
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Mark Evison Award (student led projects, funded by external charity)
  • Fundraising Halloween dress up day
  • Sixth Form Sports Lunch Club 
  • Winter Bazar / Open evenings
  • Sixth form Christmas Movie afternoon
  • Sixth Form sports afternoon
  • Gender & Sexuality Alliance
  • Science Astronomy Club
  • Islamic Society 
  • Subject Ambassadors
  • Debates Club
  • Music clubs (drumming / guitar/vocal)
  • Mindfulness club 
  • Big Sister (supporting students in younger year groups)
  • Music Evening and School Show
  • Law society
  • Medicine Society

We run an annual student leadership programme, where students apply to be a senior prefect or head student.  These students contribute significantly to the school community, act as mental health ambassadors and receive regular leadership training.

We also give community champion awards to students who complete at least 10 hours of volunteering.  We publicly recognise these students who receive bronze, silver or gold badges and certificates.

Finally our 6th Form prefect team aims to organise one sixth form social activity each half term for all students to participate in.  This includes trips to West End Musicals, team building activities, and other activities such as zorbing.