Curriculum Guide: Year 9 2024

Year 9 students study 5 core subjects; English, English Literature, maths, science (trilogy worth 2 GCSEs), RE and a Language or Humanity (history or geography).  They also study two additional GCSE option choices and have core PE and PSHCE as part of their non-examined core curriculum.  The following provides families and students with guidance on what the full academic year of learning looks like for each subject.  It outlines what Year 9 students will be taught, the type of assessment that students will experience and any resources that they will need. 

Year 9 also have an internal exam period of two weeks where each subject will hold ‘exam style’ assessments during the same two week period. These fall in Summer 2 and are to give students a taste of what final GCSE exams will be like when the time comes! There is a separate document below which provides students with guidance on the topics that will be examined.