Sustainable Travel
At Swakeleys School we want to make it easier for young people to get to school on foot, by bike or by public transport. If more school journeys are sustainable then there will be less congestion around school, less pollution and more parents and young people getting exercise. We request, that if girls are travelling by car, they are dropped off outside the school site. If you use Clifton Gardens, it helps the local residents enormously if you can avoid driving down the road and arrange an alternative, safe collection point. This helps reduce both congestion and pollution.
Planning your journey to school.
If you are planning how to travel to school, please do take a look at the Hillingdon Borough Journey Planner. The journey planner helps parents, carers and pupils plan a safer, sustainable journey to school and has lots of interesting information about different ways of travelling to and from school.
Please email us if you have any examples of sustainable travel that you currently take part in on your journey to and from school or ideas to help us make this even better.
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