Year 8 Options for September 2024 start

Please click here to read the introductory letter outlining the options process for pupils currently in year 8, who will make options choices this academic year to start GCSE courses in September 2024. It also outlines all of the key dates in our options process.

We offer two subject preferences to all pupils via two pathway routes:
Pathway one – Humanities: geography or history and no longer continue with a language.
Pathway two – Languages: pupils continue with the language they are currently learning.
They can also opt for geography or history as one their two choices to achieve the Ebacc qualification.

Both pathways allow all pupils to select two other subjects preferences from the range of courses offered. Pupils and parents/carers will receive a hard copy of the Options Book which contains more detailed information about all of the option subjects available and the options process. The Options Assembly that was presented to Year 8 by Mrs Devereux on Monday 17th November is available below:

The Options pathway guidance books which contain descriptions of the pathway and the subjects on offer is available below and pupils also receive a hard copy:

This short video provides an overview to the seven steps of our options process.